Figure it out royal blood music video
Figure it out royal blood music video

figure it out royal blood music video

SHOT 4 – Depth of field focus again, main character positioned right of the screen, main focus on the ‘caution’ poster

figure it out royal blood music video

SHOT 3 – Mid shot of girl drinking a strangers drink, first sight of the blue filter in the video, she is almost centre of the screen (rule of thirds), shows how empty the shopping mall is due to her arrival, most noticeable thing is the blood that she is covered in SHOT 2 – Mid shot of her bare feet, confuses audience, along with vivid red filter SHOT 1 – Wide shot of main character in the right hand side, red filter shown and man in background (depth of field), running away from her Red = an outsiders point of view of her looking dangerous, and a murder Blue = her point of view of her being the innocent victim All through out the video, the filter keeps changing colour from red to blue. The filter is shown to be a deep/bright red, however when the girl picks up a drink, starts drinking and nodding her head to the music (when the song kicks in), the filter turns an electric blue colour, and the first thing that is noticeable is the blood covered on her face and on her shirt (white t-shirt which maybe shows purity, as well as making the blood have more of an impact). The first shot shows her walking into the main food area in the shopping centre with no shoes on, and people are shown to be running away from her.

figure it out royal blood music video

The main character is a woman who appears to have been kidnapped in the back of a van and taken (or taken away from) a shopping centre. It’s kind of a complicated music video, featuring a main character to be shown as both an antagonist, and a victim. I have liked this song for a while, and when I saw the music video on YouTube, I was both confused and amazed.

Figure it out royal blood music video